
Dejay is a logo for individual as his identity in world of gaming. 
a solid, firm logo that define himself as hardcore gamer and also as a game security consultant 


the client needs a hardcore logo, a gamer logo, something he can use as a symbol for himself as a gamer and for his service in game security consultant. 


when i get the email, i directly read the brief, although i do disappoint because the brief was so minimum but, i get the point. so i do some research just to see how a hardcore gamer logo looks like. since this is amateur service  the research was based on google search.

then i find out theres no common sense of hardcore gamer logo. so i build the logo using a goth type give it a hardcore theme, i know it wouldn't stand out that way, the twist is on overall shape of the type. i resemble the type to form a game controller to define this as a gamer logo not some hardcore band.

i also explain to the client about security. i say security isn't always some form of umbrella or a shield or any form of symbol that represent "protect" terms. security it also may be present as symbol to scare some hackers. so instead using common "protect" symbol, dejay better be a bad ass gamer that runs a game security service that scare cheater on online games. (logo as the tool to create the branding, look at the batman)

Dejay Logo
Dejay Logo

Update !
the client, appreciate the logo, and ask it in white colour to create sense that he is a some kind of white hacker. and yes i agree.
so i reverse the color, layer with black contour and outside red line

Dejay Logo

Dejay Logo 2

Dejay Logo

Dejay Logo Details

Dejay Logo MockUp

Dejay Logo MockUp
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